Welcome to the Child Marriage Data Portal

Child marriage robs girls of agency and bodily autonomy, often undermining their emotional, sexual and reproductive health. The Child Marriage Monitoring Mechanism relies on the power of data to accelerate progress in ending this harmful practice by 2030, as called for in the Sustainable Development Goals. Read a brief overview of the Child Marriage Data Portal: its purpose, content and features. 

The Child Marriage Monitoring Mechanism (CMMM) is pleased to announce the launch of the Child Marriage Data Portal. The site presents indicators on child marriage and related issues in accessible, easy-to-use formats. 

The website is intended for use by policymakers and programmers seeking to end child marriage; advocacy and communications experts looking for data to support effective messaging; data analysts, experts, academics and researchers wanting to analyse data; and national partners – including ministry officials, local civil society organizations and community groups – who need good data to assess the situation in a particular country. Experience shows that putting the right data in the right hands can make a real difference: informing policy, guiding programming and mobilizing resources to give girls a brighter future. 

The site showcases global, regional and national-level data and trends. The data are then disaggregated to highlight disparities within and among countries based on household wealth, educational attainment, rural or urban residence and subnational region. Its interactive design, which provides data visuals on global trends and progress, allows users to review past, present and projected future trends in child marriage. 

The Country Profiles page allows users to select a country of interest through an interactive globe. The presentation provides easy comparisons between country-level and global and regional data. The Data Centre & Resources page enables users to download full datasets and explore related resources, including publications, news items, tools and partner sites, and the Blog page continues the conversation. 

Through the Sustainable Development Goals, the world committed to ending child marriage by 2030. Yet, as the data illustrate, few countries are on track to achieve this. Good quality data can serve as a springboard for action and greater accountability.